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Soulfull living musings

Musings with Grief ..... no. 2

Musings with grief… no. 2

I shared last time my insight about heart-broken = heart-open.

And I wrote that it opens to let your unused love flow out, which I know many people feel.

But… I’ve had another insight on this!

It’s not new though, I just didn’t really feel it to the depths it can be felt in the past.

I’ve often shared Rumi’s quote: “The wound is the place where the Light enters you”

And I thought that I *knew* what that meant…. And I did…. I ‘knew’, but that isn’t what Rumi was writing about – in my humble opinion.

I ‘knew’, because I’ve experienced much heartache from loss in the past (through death and the ending of relationships) and my heartache had lead me to my spiritual path and to understanding myself better, knowing what makes me, me etc.

BUT what I now *feel*, with every fibre of my being, is that when our broken hearts fully OPEN it’s not just to...

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Musings with Grief ..... no. 1

grief self-reflection Jan 13, 2025

Musings with Grief..... no.1

As I've been exploring my grief this last almost 3 weeks (following the death of my ex partner
and soul-friend), I’ve received a great many insights which I've decided to share here in the hope that it may help you too... here's the first.

'Heart-broken', when you can truly and deeply lean into it is really ‘heart-open'.

Your heart opens to let your over-flowing love flow out …. more on this next time.

Your heart-ache lets you know that you're still alive, you are still here, you still have things to achieve, perhaps something that will change the world, who knows?

Your 'heart-opening' comes to propel you forward, but you mis-interpret it and it often passes as a missed opportunity.

We've usually been taught to squash it, especially through the 'British - stiff upper lip!'.

When my mum died, not long after my 20th birthday (in the summer), my personal tutor at Uni said to me (when I went back in the autumn) - 'We'll give you until...

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Collective Consciousness 2: Visionquest

Have you stopped to consider the gifts of the 'lockdown'?

I am highly aware that everyone's experience of restricted living is different. Some of you, like me, may find that life isn't much different. I work for myself from home so am used to being at home a lot, used to structuring my own time, and perhaps most importantly, used to living on my own.

I consider myself extremely fortunate.

Yes, I have had to pivot my healing practice online, but this is a space that I feel very comfortable in too.

Again, I feel very lucky.

So I know that this article won't resonate with you so much if you're now juggling working full time with home schooling children and checking in on older relatives who are now isolated, or perhaps now have them living with you.

But, hopefully, it will speak to those of who need to read it just now.

I have been pondering the gifts of this virus for a few weeks now.... as I'm sure many of you have too.

And the really big one, to me, is the chance to allow yourself...

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