Shamanic Medicine Wheel Magic Experience Day

Sunday June 11th 10am - 4 pm

Uig Hall, near  to Benmore Botanic Gardens, north of Dunoon.

Official address: Uig Hall, Kilmun, Dunoon, Argyll, PA23 8QU

Curious about the Medicine Wheel?

Join me for this experiential day and explore how working with the medicine wheel can be of beneficial support to you.

In this one day experiential workshop you will learn about:

  • the history of medicine wheels
  • the plethora of wheels and their uses
  • the 7 directions
  • the animal guides assoicated with the directions
  • the elements, emotions and many other aspects relating to each direction
  • how to use a medicine wheel in your own life

This is an experiential day with plenty of shamanic drum journeys so it's helpful, but not essential, that you already have some experience of drum journeying.

If you haven't experienced this before then consider coming along to a Drumming Circle to try this out - the next one is on May 22nd at the same location.

 Refreshments are included but please bring your own lunch.


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