Reiki Level 2 (Second Degree) Weekend Training

2024 Dates: 14th & 15th September, 23rd & 24th November

In-Person in Innellan, Argyll

£198 including training manual & refreshments (please bring your own lunch)

Reiki Level 2 (Second Degree)

Take your Reiki practice to the next level/degree and qualify as a practioner.

Reiki (pronounced Rey-Key) is an ancient healing art. Originally from Tibet it was lost and then re-discovered in the late 19th Century by Master Usui in Japan.

The word Reiki means Universal Energy and has been recognised by eastern medicine for thousands of years.

Universal Energy flows through all living things and is vital to well-being. You may have already heard of Ki (Japan), Chi (China) and Prana (India) which are all words for Universal Energy. Accupuncture, Tai Chi and Yoga are also based on the free-flow of this energy in a person and Feng Shui directs this energy by placement of objects.


Reiki Level 2 qualifies you as a Reiki Practioner. As soon as your case studies are successfully completed (which takes 4-6 weeks) and you have suitable insurance, you can advertise for clients and charge for treatments.

You must have completed Reiki Level 1, ideally at least 3 months ago.
If this wasn’t with The Soulfull Living Academy then please submit a copy of your certificate beforehand. 

Reiki 2 Training

You will learn:

- Recap: The origins of Reiki and Master Usui’s vision for it’s us

- Recap: The five Reiki principles

- Recap: The traditional hand positions

- The 3 Reiki symbols for use at Level 2/Second Degree

- Distance Healing techniques

- The role of the chakras, and how to bring them in to balance

- Using your intuition and pendulum

- Working with Reiki Guides

- Case Study requirements

- Setting up your Reiki Practioner business


Included in the weekend:

- Reiki Level 2 manual

- Reiki Level 2 attunements

- Case studies completion follow up meeting (can be online)

- Reiki 21 Day Self-Healing Cleanse Journal (unless you already have a copy)

- Certificate of completion (following successful submission of case studies)


Your investment

- £198 for the full weekend

 -Your ongoing time and dedication to practice what you have learned, particularly over the following 28 days.

 -It is advisable not to drink alcohol for at 24 hours before your attunement

- attunements start a 21 day integration period - ideally avoid alcohol during this time too.

About your teacher

Dawn was attuned to Reiki 1 in 2005 and since then Reiki and working with energy has been one of the foundations of her life. Her training was part of a longer well-being week which she looks back on as being an ‘epiphany’ week. She has been on a personal and spiritual development journey ever since and now coaches, mentors and teaches others. Read more of Dawn's background


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