Reiki-Drum Practioner Weekend Training

2024 Dates: 9th & 10th November

In-Person in Dunoon, Argyll

£333 including training manual & refreshments  - please bring your own lunch -and your drum!

Reiki-Drum Practioner Training

Enhance your Reiki practice with the addition of Reiki-Drum Practioner Training.

This weekend course is open to Reiki Practioners of any lineage. Please note that you will need a drum! Get in touch for advice or to purchase a suitable drum.

No experience of drumming is required, just your enthusiasm to learn.

As soon as your case studies are successfully completed, your certificate will be issued and you will be able to add reiki-drumming to your therapist insurance and begin seeing clients.

If you didn't train in Reiki with me (The Soulfull Living Academy)  then please submit a copy of your Reiki Level 2 Certificate beforehand. 

Reiki-Drum Training

You will learn:

  • Preparation of Self
  • Creating Sacred Space
  • Space Clearing & Preparation with Essence
  • Honouring the Seven Sacred Directions Meditation Ceremony
  • Reiki Drum Selection Ceremony
  • What is The Reiki Drum Technique?
  • Origins of Reiki Drumming™
  • Scientific Research on Drumming & Its Healing Powers
  • Reiki Drum Journey 
  • Group Drumming - Practical
  • Reiki Drum Attunement
  • Reiki Drum Healing - Basic Technique
  • Giving and Receiving a Drum Healing Session - Practical
  • Reiki Drum - Journey Technique
  • Giving and Receiving a Journey Session - Practical
  • Professional Ethics for Practitioners & Code of Conduct
  • Intuitively working with Reiki and the Drum - Practical work with symbols
  • Reiki Drum Mental/Emotional Reprogramming Technique
  • Giving and Receiving a Reprogramming Session - Practical
  • Journey to meet your Power Animal
  • Connecting with the unique energy of your own personal drum
  • Closing Ceremony

Included in the weekend:

- Reiki-Drum manual

- Reiki-Drum attunements

- Case studies completion follow up meeting (can be online)

- Certificate of completion (following successful submission of case studies)


Your investment

- £325 for the full weekend

 -Your ongoing time and dedication to practice what you have learned

 -It is advisable not to drink alcohol for at 24 hours before your attunement

- attunements start a 21 day integration period - ideally avoid alcohol during this time too.

About your teacher

Dawn was attuned to Reiki 1 in 2005 and since then Reiki and working with energy has been one of the foundations of her life. Her training was part of a longer well-being week which she looks back on as being an ‘epiphany’ week. She has been on a personal and spiritual development journey ever since and now coaches, mentors and teaches others. Read more of Dawn's background

Her formal shamanic healing training began in 2016 with two prior to that of attending various monthly shamanic/drumming groups. Reiki-Drum is the perfect combination of Dawn's primary therapeutic tools. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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